Tuesday 20 July 2010

Hello, Good Evening & Welcome

And so with the immortal words of Sir David Frost I welcome you to my blog.

This blog will be the home on the net of my random musings and observations n the world.

All postings will be intended to entertain or educate though I can't promise that I'll succeed in either aim, after all one man's comedy is another man's sarcasm.

I suppose I should describe myself. I am in my early 40s and have yet to have a mid life crisis although that must surely be just around the corner. Though due to my aged and rapidly failing eyesight I'm unlikely to turn the corner so much as to walk into it.

My day job is a local council employee. I'll refrain from giving any more details about my job because if I told you more I'd have to kill you.

When not working I have a wife and two high maintenance boys to look after. But I wouldn't change a thing.

Anyway, that's perhaps enough of an introduction for the time being. Perhaps I'll give away a bit more over time but the magic is in the reveal.

Oh....and another thing. Thankyou for reading this. I hope you'll enjoy how it will evolve over time.


  1. Hey! Congratulations! New blog :-) You are bookmarked!

  2. Welcome to blogland!Now you need to add an email subscription & I'll be a happy bunny!
