Thursday 22 July 2010

David Cameron & The Seven Dwarfs

I begin the blog with a question: Can you name the seven dwarfs?

Now, whilst you ponder the question and perhaps consider its relevance to the blog I will continue.

Prime Minister David Cameron has, it seems, caused consternation amongst opposition politicians and veterans groups by stating that despite the 'special relationship' between Britain and the US, the Brits were the junior partners back in 1940. The critics pointing out, quite correctly that the USA didn't join the war until 1941 and then only after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Even D Day had more British & Commonwealth troops than American, albeit with an American commander.

Quite simply the facts are clear. It was a partnership of equals throughout the war though the balance of power shifted during the post war years.

The comments were made in the USA and were a response to questions at a press conference. I think it is notable that he was not briefed and had not done research. He spoke from what he believed to be true.

Now, on one level it is important that as Prime Minister that he should have a clearer knowledge of British history but remember that despite his position and education he is only 43. I bet a lot of 43 year Brits could not tell you the exact date the Americans entered the war or even D Day, VE Day or VJ Day.

Unfortunately, key WW2 dates are for history geeks and older generations.

So, if the dates are not known to David Cameron, why could he speak so clearly and apparently knowledgeably about the role of the USA and Britain during the war.

Here, after a convoluted path my blog begins.

David Cameron, like the rest of the UK population have lived through the dominance of the American movie industry. Gone are the Ealing Comedies of our parents and grand-parents. We live in the world of the American blockbuster.

In the world of the American blockbuster one theme is constant. America is great, America leads the world, America rules the world. For 40 years the whole world has been fed this message from the great American film studios. The net effect is that any form of subliminal messageing, eventually the message sinks into the nation's psyche.

David Cameron is of the "Saving Private Ryan" generation. A generation who firmly believe that the world was saved by the all pwerful Americans and the plucky Brits. I bet the American population have no concept about the contribution by the ANZACs and Canadians. Who can remember any Polish fighter pilots in any war films yet their contribution to the Battle of Britain was immense. The film makers motto seems to be, never mind the truth but mke it entertaining and make the USA look good. If that means re-writing history then so be it.

But, its not just history that can be re-written. The Disney machine has set about changing traditional stories and fairy tales. If it means changing a story to give it a 'Disney ending' then so be it. The downside is that, like history being changed, we believe the Disney version of stories to be true.

I picked up a book of fair tales once. It contained Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It wasn't a Disney book but there was Snow White standing tall. Her long black hair looking glossy as she wore her blue bodice and yellow dress. Why? -because Disney's Snow White looks that way.

The same is true of pretty much all Disney films. We have bought into the Disney dream and blindly accept Disney as the ultimate story tellers. If Disney do a fairy tale then it becomes the accepted article. The Disney images become in our mind synonymous with the definitive image.

We all now what Cnderalla looks like. We all know what the Little Mermaid looks like. We all know what Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore, Piglet and Roo look like.

Well, actually we dont. We know what the Disney version of these characters look like and expect them to look that way.

So, in conclusion, beware of American film studios in general and do not trust Disney.

And another thing.. the answer to the question is..they have no names. Another Disney invention.

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